Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Great Melting Pot

My name is Kimmi. I want to tell everybody about food from around the world and about where those foods came from. I am absolutely in love with food. I have been able to enjoy some foods that people aren’t really familiar with, because of my heritage.

I have been able to learn various amounts of cooking styles from my parents and my grandparents, who have in turn learned from their parents and grandparents. Because I am part Chinese, Samoan, and various European countries I am exposed to lots of different eating styles. Sadly, I have never been to any of the places that my ancestors come from.

That is why I love being able to go to places like San Francisco’s Chinatown. There, I can eat food and go to the places that someone could find in the real country. Even though I love food, I do not eat all food. I understand that just because I don’t eat it doesn’t make it less of a food that someone else might enjoy.

One of the fantastic things about living in America is that we have so many cultures around us and we have the opportunity to try lots of types of food. The US has been referred to as “the great melting pot”. People have come from around the world bringing with them parts of their homelands to us. Food says a lot about who they are, what their circumstances are and what their cultures are. There is so many things the set us apart from each other. I could make a mile long list of the differences we have between each other, but I want to show people how even though there are these differences we have the awesome opportunity to come together and learn about each other through food.

See? It’s one big melting pot of yummy goodness.


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